Behind the Laughter: Unwrapping the Male Elf's Secrets | Ep010

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Drew Hocevar, who played the mischievous male elf in A Christmas Story, shares behind-the-scenes stories and reflects on the film's enduring charm. He talks about how he ended up in the elf suit and his first impression of the role. Drew recalls memorable moments from filming the iconic Santa scenes and the grueling six days of shooting. He discusses the unexpected fame and recognition he received from fans and shares a funny experience with a fan. Drew also talks about his retirement activities and offers advice to families and parents.


A Christmas Story, Drew Hocevar, male elf, behind the scenes, filming, Santa scenes, fan experience, retirement, advice


  • Drew Hocevar shares behind-the-scenes stories and reflects on his role as the male elf in A Christmas Story.
  • Filming the Santa scenes was grueling, but Drew has fond memories of the experience.
  • Drew is grateful for the recognition and fame he has received from fans of the movie.
  • In retirement, Drew enjoys gardening, woodworking, and working on his glass art.
  • He advises parents to let their children discover and enjoy the movie on their own terms.
  • Drew encourages kindness and gratitude and cherishing the unexpected joys in life.

  • The Unexpected Fame and Recognition
  • From Set to Screen: Drew Hocevar's Journey
Sound Bites

  • "This thing is terrible. I mean, this is just awful."
  • "It had to be that woman that came to Cleveland one time and we signed her boobs."
  • "I look at myself as a national treasure."

Introduction and Fan Experience
Finding Himself in the Elf Suit
Memorable Moments from Filming the Santa Scenes
Surprising Recognition and Fame
Retirement Activities and Hobbies
Conclusion and Message to Fans
Behind the Laughter: Unwrapping the Male Elf's Secrets | Ep010
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